43806_AMC_PCMP | Post-Closure Monitoring and Inspection Plan for Amchitka Island Mud Pit Release Sites, Amchitka, Alaska. LMS/AMC/43806. May 2023 | General Site Document | Alaska | 5/30/2023 |
40815_AMC_ESP_2023 | Environmental Sampling Plan for the Amchitka, Alaska, Site 2023 Sampling Event. LMS/AMC/40815. February 2023 | General Site Document | Alaska | 2/27/2023 |
5186-S15720_SampleRpt | Amchitka Island, Alaska, Environmental Sampling Report, 2016 Results. LMS/AMC/S15720. September 2020 | Report | Alaska | 11/4/2020 |
5184-S22012_AMC_2018_Site_Insp | Amchitka Annual Site Inspection 2018 Trip Report Amchitka, Alaska, Site. LMS/AMC/S22012. January 2019 | Annual Inspection Report | Alaska | 5/21/2019 |
5183-S16605_AMC_AnnSiteInspRpt | Amchitka Annual Site Inspection Trip Report Amchitka, Alaska, Site. LMS/AMC/S16605. August 2017 | Annual Inspection Report | Alaska | 10/24/2017 |
5182-S15131_AMC_PostClosure2016 | Amchitka Mud Pit Caps 2016 Post-Closure Monitoring and Inspection Report Amchitka Island, Alaska. LMS/AMC/S15131. Novembers 2016 | Annual Inspection Report | Alaska | 10/24/2017 |
5180-S12630_SAP | Environmental Sampling Plan for the Amchitka, Alaska, Site and Adak Island 2016 Sampling Event. LMS/AMC/S12630. April 2016 | General Site Document | Alaska | 6/6/2016 |
5181-S13961_PCMP_AMC | Post-Closure Monitoring and Inspection Plan for Amchitka Island Mud Pit Release Sites, Amchitka, Alaska. LMS/AMC/S13961. May 2016 | General Site Document | Alaska | 6/6/2016 |
5178-1998DrillSiteCharacterization | DRAFT DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1998 DRILL SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT AMCHITKA ISLAND, ALASKA | Report | Alaska | 11/24/2014 |
5177-S01980_LTSP | Long-Term Surveillance Plan for the Amchitka, Alaska, Site. LMS/AMC/S01980-1.0.July 2014. | Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Plan | Alaska | 9/24/2014 |
5176-S08247_AMC | Amchitka Mud Pit Sites 2011 Post-Closure Monitoring and Inspection Report Amchitka Island, Alaska. LMS/AMC/S08247. November 2012 | Annual Inspection Report | Alaska | 11/21/2013 |
5174-S08833_Biological Monitoring | Amchitka Island, Alaska, Biological Monitoring Report 2011 Sampling Results. LMS/AMC/S08833. September 2013 | Report | Alaska | 10/24/2013 |
5172-S07053_AMC | Post-Closure Monitoring and Inspection Plan for Amchitka Island Mud Pit Release Sites, Well Abandonment, and Infantry Road Repair Amchitka, Alaska. LMS/AMC/S07053. March 2011 | General Site Document | Alaska | 4/13/2011 |
5171-S05725_SAP | Sampling Plan for the Amchitka, Alaska, Site 2011 Sampling Event. LMS/AMC/S05725. March 2011 | General Site Document | Alaska | 4/13/2011 |
5170-amc_environ | The Environment of Amchitka Island, Alaska; TID-26712; 1977 | Technical Paper | Alaska | 3/17/2010 |
5169-doe_nv11508_51_amc | Modeling Groundwater Flow and Transport of Radionuclides at Amchitka Island's Underground Nuclear Tests: Milrow, Long Shot, and Cannikin; DOE/NV/11508-51; October 2002 | General Site Document | Alaska | 3/12/2010 |
5168-Surf_Close_Rpt | Amchitka Island Surface Closure Report. Revision No. 1. DOE/NV-819-Rev. 1. July 2003 | Report | Alaska | 12/22/2009 |
5129-AMC000114 | Amchitka Mud Pit Sites 2006 Post-Closure Monitoring and Inspection Report Amchitka Island, Alaska (September 2006) | Annual Inspection Report | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5128-AMC000109 | Site Screening Memorandum Phase II Remedial Investigation Former Amchitka Army Air Base Amchitka Island, Alaska (February 1999) | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5127-AMC000108 | Amchitka Bioenvironmental Program Bioenvironmental Safety Studies, Amchitka Island, Alaska Cannikin D+2 Month Report (June 1972) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5126-AMC000107 | Analysis of Cleanup Alternatives and Supplemental Characterization Data Amchitka Island, Alaska (October 2000) | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5125-AMC000106 | Bathymetry of Cannikin Lake, Amchitka Island, Alaska, with an Evaluation of Computer-Mapping Techniques (Amchitka-41) (October 1974) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5124-AMC000105 | Contamination Assessment Report Amchitka Island Aleutian Island, Alaska, Delevery Order No. 007 (May 1992) | Report | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5123-AMC000104 | Modeling Approach for Amchitka Island (August 1998) | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5122-AMC000103 | Amchitka Bioenvironmental Program Amchitka Biological Information Summary (May 1971) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5121-AMC000102 | Subsurface Completion Report for Amchitka Underground Nuclear Test Sites: Long Shot, Milrow, and Cannikin (September 2006) | Report | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5120-AMC000034 | Hydrologic Processes and Radionuclide Distribution in a Cavity and Chimney Produced by the Cannikin Nuclear Explosion, Amchitka Island, Alaska (1987) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5119-388999 | The Use of Biota Sampling for Environmental Contaminant Analysis for Characterization of Benthic Communities in the Aleutians (July 2006) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5118-388997 | Selecting Species for Marine Assessment of Radionuclides Around Amchitka: Planning for Diverse Goals and Interests (January 2006) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5117-388996 | Scuba Techniques Used in Risk Assessment of Possible Nuclear Leakage Around Amchitka Island, Alaska (July 2004) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5116-388994 | Scientific Research, Stakeholders and Policy: Continuing Dialogue During Research on Radionuclides on Amchitka Island, Alaska (December 2006) | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5115-388991 | Science, Policy and Stakeholders: Developing a Consensus Science Plan for Amchitka Island, Aleutians, Alaska (April 2005) | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5114-388982 | Radionuclides in Marine Macroalgae from Amchitka and Kiska Islands in the Aleutians: Establishing a Baseline for Future Biomonitoring (October 2006) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5113-388978 | Radionuclides in Marine Fishes and Birds From Amchitka and Kiska Islands in the Aleutians; Establishing a Baseline (September 2006) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5112-388966 | Radionuclide Concentrations in Benthic Invertebrates from Amchitka and Kiska Islands in the Aleutian Chain, Alaska (October 2006) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5111-388958 | Nuclear Stewardship: Lessons from a Not-So-Remote Island (November 2005) | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5110-388957 | Do Scientists and Fishermen Collect the Same Size Fish? Possible Implications for Exposure Assessment (September 2005) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5109-388956 | Developing a Health and Safety Plan for Hazardous Field Work in Remote Areas | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5108-388955 | Conceptual Site Models as a Tool in Evaluation Ecological Health; the Case of the Department of Energy’s Amchitka Island Nuclear Test Site (June 2005) | General Site Document | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5107-388954 | An Assessment of the Reported Leakage of Anthropogenic Radionuclides from the Underground Nuclear Test Sites at Amchitka Island, Alaska, USA, to the Surface Environment (May 2000) | Technical Paper | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5106-amc_rod | U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management Record of Decision for Amchitka Surface Closure, Alaska (August 2008) | Records of Decision | Alaska | 10/16/2009 |
5165-OSHA LM Intranet and Other 20190311 | Scuba Techniques Used in Risk Assessment of Possible Nuclear Leakage Around Amchitka Island, Alaska. | General Site Document | Alaska | 6/5/2009 |