| OH.0-08-1 - AEC Letter; Johnson to Wright Air Development Center (Attn.: Brocklehurst); Source Material License No. C-3407; September 27, 1955 | Considered Sites Document | Considered Site | Wright Air Development Center | Ohio | 9/27/1955 |
| Radiological Survey Report of the property identified as Passaic County Technic al and Vocational High School (PCTVHS), Wayne, New Jersey. DOE/OR/20722-10. June 1984. | Considered Sites Document | Considered Site | 45 Reinhardt Road | New_Jersey | 6/27/1984 |
| PA.07-1 - DOE Memorandum; Coffman to LaGrone; Designation of Universal Cyclops, Inc., Titusville Plant, Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, for Remedial Action under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP); August 5, 1983 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 8/5/1983 |
| PA.07-10 - ORISE Report (ORISE 93/A-6); Characterization Survey of Portions of the Aliquippa Forge Site West Aliquippa, Pennsylvania; December 1992 (Final Report) | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 12/31/1992 |
| PA.07-11 - ORISE Report (ORISE 94/B-77); Additional Characterization Survey of Buildings 3 and 8 Aliquippa Forge Site West Aliquippa, Pennsylvania; February 1994 (Final Report) | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 2/28/1994 |
| PA.07-12 - ORISE Report (ORISE 95/G-92); Verification Survey of Buildings 3 and 8 Aliquippa Forge Site West Aliquippa, Pennsylvania; July 1995 (Final Report) | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 7/31/1995 |
| PA.07-2 - DOE Memorandum; DeLaney to Tate; Authorization for Remedial Action at the Cyclops Corporations Titusville Plant, Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP); January 27, 1986 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 1/27/1986 |
| PA.07-3 - Aerospace Corporation Letter; Wallo to Mott; Investigations of Records on the Former Vulcan Crucible Site, Aliquippa, Pa. And the National Guard Armory, Chicago, IL; January 20, 1981; with attachments | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 1/20/1981 |
| PA.07-5 - Letter; Schier to Hauff; Proposed Forging - Rolling Trials with Uranium Billets at Vulcan; September 22, 1948 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 9/22/1948 |
| PA.07-6 - GE Company Letter; Hauff to AEC (Schlemmer); Fabrication Yields with Forged Uranium; December 15, 1948 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 12/15/1948 |
| PA.07-7 - Aerospace Corporation Letter; Wallo to Whitman; Universal Cyclops Crucible Site - Copies of AEC Contracts and Letters Regarding the Clean-up of the Subject Site; July 21, 1982; with attachments | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 7/21/1982 |
| PA.07-8 - ANL Report (ANL-OHS/HP-82-104); Formerly Utilized sites Remedial Action Program - Radiological Survey of Universal Cyclops, Inc. Titusville Plant (Formerly Vulcan Crucible Steel Company) Aliquippa, Pennsylvania May 2-8, 1978; May 1982 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 5/31/1982 |
| PA.07-9 - ORISE Report (ORISE 93/A-5); Radiological Survey of the Aliquippa Forge Site West Aliquippa, Pennsylvania; December 1992 (Final Report) | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Aliquippa | Pennsylvania | 12/31/1992 |
| PA.11-7 - ORNL Report (ORNL/RASA-94/3); Results of the Supplementary Radiological Survey at the Former C.H. Schnorr and Company Site, 644 Garfield Street, Springdale, Pennsylvania; April 1995 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Springdale | Pennsylvania | 4/30/1995 |
| CA.03-1 - DOE Memorandum; Frangos to Meyers; Subject: Notification of Need for Some Form of Remedial Action - A Portion of Gillman Hall; November 28, 1979 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Berkeley | California | 11/28/1979 |
| CA.03-2 - DOE Memorandum; Frangos to Meyers; Subject: Removal of Gillman Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California from the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP); May 9, 1980 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Berkeley | California | 5/9/1980 |
| CA.03-3 - DOE Letter; Keller to DeLaney; Subject: Completion of Decontamination of Gilman Hall, University of California at Berkeley; June 15, 1983. Attachment: Radiological Survey and Remedial Actions, Gilman Hall, University of California, Berkeley | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Berkeley | California | 6/15/1983 |
| CA.03-4 - ERDA Letter; Jackson to Biles; Subject: Gilman Hall Study; November 10, 1976. Attachment: Lawrence Livermore Lab Letter; Williams to Wu; Subject: Survey of Gilman Hall; August 11, 1976 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Berkeley | California | 8/11/1976 |
| CA.03-5 - DOE Letter; Davis to Ward; Subject: Certification Docket of Gilman Hall; March 26, 1985 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Berkeley | California | 3/26/1985 |
| CA.03-6 - DOE Report; Certification Docket for Gilman Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California; undated | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Berkeley | California | 3/8/1985 |
| CA.10-1 - UC Berkeley Letter, Peterson to Jackson; Subject: Radiation Safety Committee Report; March 4, 1981. Attachment: UC Berkeley Memorandum; Peterson to Radiation Safety Committee; Subject: Survey of Burris Park Site; March 2, 1981. | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Burris_Park | California | 3/2/1981 |
| CA.10-2 - Memorandum/Checklist; Levine to the File; Subject: Elimination Recommendation; May 7, 1987 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Burris_Park | California | 5/7/1987 |
| NY.54-1 - DOE Letter; Williams to Archer; Subject: Consent to Conduct Radiological Survey, February 21, 1991. Attachments (2): Niagara Letter; Archer to Williams, February 11, 1991 and Consent for Program Access Surveys and Engineering Studies. | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 2/21/1991 |
| NY.54-2 - DOE Letter; Williams to Schaus; Subject: Notification of FUSRAP Designation; October 19, 1992 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 10/19/1992 |
| NY.54-3 - U.S. Government (Tonawanda Sub-Office) Memorandum; Hershman to Smith; Subject: Transmittal of Monthly Progress Report for October, October 21, 1952. Attachment: Tonawanda Area Progress Report October 1952 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 10/31/1952 |
| NY.54-4 - DOE Memorandum; Williams to the File; Subject: Authority Determination--Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Site, Buffalo, New York; July 27, 1992. Attachment: Authority Review for Bliss & Laughlin Steel Company. | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 7/27/1992 |
| NY.54-5 - DOE Memorandum; Wagoner to Price; Subject: Authorization for Remedial Action at Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Site in Buffalo, NY; September 25, 1992. Attachment: Designation Summary for Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company, Buffalo, NY; August 4, 1992. | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 9/25/1992 |
| NY.54-6 - DOE Draft Report (ORAU); Radiological Survey of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility Buffalo, New York; April 1992 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 4/30/1992 |
| NY.54-7 - DOE Report (ORISE); Radiological Survey of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility Buffalo, New York; June 1992 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 6/30/1992 |
| NY.54-8 - DOE Report (ORISE); Radiological Survey of the Exterior Portions of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility Buffalo, New York; January 1995 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 1/31/1995 |
| NY.54-9 - DOE Letter; Pena to Cohen; Subject: Transfer of FUSRAP Sites from DOE to U.S. Army COE; October 10, 1997. Attachment: FUSRAP Current, Currently Known Potential and Completed Sites. | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Buffalo | New_York | 10/10/1997 |
| NY.08-1 - Linde Air Products Letter; Osinski to Epp; Subject: Accountability of Source and Fissionable Material; August 11, 1949 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 8/11/1949 |
| NY.08-2 - AEC Memorandum; Belmore to Epp; Subject: MX-308 For Sale by Linde; August 16, 1950 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 8/16/1950 |
| NY.08-3 - DOE Report (ATR-82 [7963-04]-2); Evaluation of the 1943-to-1946 Liquid Effluent Discharge From the Linde Air Products Company Ceramics Plant; December 1981 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 12/31/1981 |
| NY.08-4 - DOE Report (DOE/OR/21950-1016); Responsiveness Summary: Praxair Interim Actions Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA), Tonawanda, New York; May 1996 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 5/31/1996 |
| NY.08-5 - DOE Report; Radiological Survey of the Liquid Effluent Disposal Pathways Formerly Used by Linde Air Products Division (Union Carbide Corporation) Tonawanda, New York; October 8, 1981 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 10/8/1981 |
| NY.08-6 - DOE Report (EGG-10282-1063 UC-41); An Aerial Radiological Survey for 241Am Contamination in Tonawanda, New York, Date of Survey: May 1984; October 1984 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 10/31/1984 |
| NY.08-7 - DOE Report (ORNL/RASA-96/9); Results of the Radiological Survey at Two Mile Creek, Tonawanda, New York (TNY002); August 1997 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 8/31/1997 |
| NY.08-8 - DOE Letter; Pena to Cohen; Subject: Transfer of FUSRAP Sites from DOE to U.S. Army COE; October 10, 1997. Attachment: FUSRAP Current, Currently Known Potential and Completed Sites | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 10/10/1997 |
| NY.08-9 - DOE Memorandum; Ramsey to Mott; Subject: Remedial Action for Linde Air Products Plant, Tonawanda, New York; November 25, 1980 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | Tonawanda | New_York | 11/25/1980 |
| NY.61-1 - DOE Memorandum; Whitfield to LaGrone (Manager, DOE-ORO); Subject: Authorization for Remedial Action at the Former Baker and Williams Warehouses in New York, New York; August 9, 1990 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 8/9/1990 |
| NY.61-10 - ORISE Report; Verification Survey of the Baker and Williams Warehouses Building 521-527 New York, New York; May 1992 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 5/31/1992 |
| NY.61-2 - DOE Memorandum; Fiore to Price (OR); Subject: Authorization for Remedial Action at the Former Baker and Williams Warehouses on West 20th Street in New York, New York under FUSRAP; August 1, 1990 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 8/1/1990 |
| NY.61-3 - ORAU Report (ORAU 91/L-36); Radiological Survey of the Baker and Williams Warehouses Building 513-519 New York, New York; December 1991 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 12/31/1991 |
| NY.61-4 - ORAU Report (ORAU 89/L-33); Radiological Survey of the Baker and Williams Warehouses New York, New York; June 1990 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 6/30/1990 |
| NY.61-5 - Contract Information (W-7405-ENG-18 -- 3-1-43 and W-7405-ENG-47 -- 3-29-43); Undated | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 5/26/2009 |
| NY.61-6 - African Metals Corporation Letter to District Engineer (MED); Subject: Option to Purchase Materials; November 6, 1942 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 11/6/1942 |
| NY.61-7 - African Metals Corporation Letter to District Engineer (MED); Subject: Contract W-7405-eng-18; November 30, 1942 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 11/30/1942 |
| NY.61-8 - ORISE Report (ORISE 93/L-55); Characterization Survey of the Baker and Williams Warehouses Building 513-519 New York, New York; December 1993 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 12/31/1993 |
| NY.61-9 - ORISE Report; Verification Survey of the Baker and Williams Warehouses Building 513-519 New York, New York; June 1994 | Considered Sites Document | LM Site | New_York | New_York | 6/30/1994 |