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5417-attleboro aerial
Attleboro, Massachusetts, Site Aerial Photo
5416-Shpack Record of Decision 2004
Shpack Landfill EPA Superfund Record of Decision
Records of DecisionMassachusetts1/29/2019
5415-Shpack Delisting 2017
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion of the Shpack Landfill Superfund Site
General Site DocumentMassachusetts1/29/2019
5414-NAD Shpack Closeout Report Approval
Approval of Final Closeout Report for the Shpack Landfill Site for FUSRAP
5413-Final Site Closeout Report for the Shpack FUSRAP Dec2016
Final Site Closeout Report for Operable Unit 1 Radiological Remediation Shpack Landfill FUSRAP Superfund Site
MA.06-9 - Site added by Congressional Action
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts8/28/2011
MA.06-8 - FUSRAP Update U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vol. 2, No.1, April 2004; pg. 3
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts4/30/2004
MA.06-7 - DOE Letter; Pena to Cohen; Subject: Transfer of FUSRAP Sites from DOE to USCOE; October 10, 1997
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts10/10/1997
MA.06-6 - FUSRAP Contract No. DE-AC05-81OR20722; Radiological Survey of the Former Shpack Landfill, Norton, Massachusetts; DOE/OR/20722-3; March 1984
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts3/31/1984
MA.06-5 - Radiological Survey of the Shpack Landfill, Norton, Massachusetts; DOE/EV-0005/31; Date Published: December 1981
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts12/31/1981
MA.06-1 - DOE Memorandum; Meyers to Hart; Subject: Shpack Landfill, Norton, Massachusetts; January 27, 1981.  Attachment: DOE Letter; Clusen to Cunningham; Subject: Designation for Remedial Action of the Shpack Landfill, Norton, Massachusetts; December 17, 1980.
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts12/17/1980
MA.06-4 - An Aerial Radiological Survey of the Shpack Property in Norton, Massachusetts. August 1979.
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts8/31/1979
MA.06-3 - NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement Report No. 078-154-A, Part 2 of 2; Investigation Conducted November 14, 1978 and April 1, 1979
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts4/1/1979
MA.06-2 - NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement Report No. 078-154-A, Part 1 of 2; Investigation Conducted November 14, 28-30; December 1, 7, 8, 21, 1978; January 9-12, 1978
Considered Sites DocumentMassachusetts1/12/1978
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