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TX.09-1 - Memorandum; Babcock to Files; Materials for Metal Bomb Liners; March 16, 1951
Considered Sites DocumentConsidered SiteSutton Steele and Steele CoTexas3/16/1951
TX.09-2 - DOE Memorandum; Williams to File; Elimination of the Sites from the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program; December 23, 1993
Considered Sites DocumentConsidered SiteSutton Steele and Steele CoTexas12/23/1993
TX.09-3 - Memorandum; Brown to Moore; Weekly Report for Week Ending March 28, 1951
Considered Sites DocumentConsidered SiteSutton Steele and Steele CoTexas3/28/1951
TX.09-4 - Memorandum; Babcock to Files; Air Tabling Tests at Sutton, Steele & Steele, Inc., Dallas, Texas, April 9-11, 1951; April 23, 1951
Considered Sites DocumentConsidered SiteSutton Steele and Steele CoTexas4/23/1951
TX.09-5 - NLO Report; Ruhe to Quigley; Trip Report to Sutton, Steele, and Steele Company, Dallas, Texas, On November 5 & 6, 1959; November 19, 1959
Considered Sites DocumentConsidered SiteSutton Steele and Steele CoTexas11/19/1959
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