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FUSRAP_Buffalo_AR_IndexAdministrative Record index for the FUSRAP Buffalo, NY siteBuffaloNew_York
BUF-AR-002BUF AR-002B-Bliss and Laughlin FUSRAP Site Administrative Record File Index4/24/2002
BUF-AR-018BUF AR-018Post-Remedial Radiological Dose and Risk Assessment for the Bliss and Laughlin Site, Buffalo, New York3/5/2002
BUF-AR-003BUF AR-003U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program C. Bliss and Laughlin FUSRAP Site Administrative Record File Subject Guide11/12/1999
BUF-AR-019BUF AR-019Closure Report - Decontamination of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Facility, Buffalo, New York9/30/1999
BUF-AR-031BUF AR-031Letter - RE Record of Decision for the Bliss and Laughlin Site, Buffalo, New York12/16/1998
BUF-AR-020BUF AR-020Letter - Record of Decision for the Bliss and Laughlin Site, Buffalo, New York12/15/1998
BUF-AR-017BUF AR-017Letter - Bliss and Laughlin FUSRAP Site12/8/1998
BUF-AR-015BUF AR-015Technical Memorandum - Cleanup Goals for Soil at the Finishing Area of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Facility, Buffalo, New York12/1/1998
BUF-AR-028BUF AR-028FUSRAP Fact Sheet Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel December 199812/1/1998
BUF-AR-011BUF AR-011Fax - Bliss and Laughlin Plan10/30/1998
BUF-AR-012BUF AR-012Letter - FUSRAP Former Bliss and Laughlin Site Proposed Plan (September 1998)10/27/1998
BUF-AR-014BUF-AR-014Letter - FUSRAP Former Bliss and Laughlin Site Proposed Plan10/21/1998
BUF-AR-022BUF AR-022Newspaper - Corps to Decontaminate, Not Raze, Hopkins St. Site9/30/1998
BUF-AR-032BUF AR-032Letter - Bliss and Laughlin Site Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Proposed Plan9/30/1998
BUF-AR-013BUF AR-013Letter - Bliss and Laughlin Site Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Proposed Plan9/29/1998
BUF-AR-023BUF AR-023News Release - Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Proposed Plan Released for FUSRAP Bliss and Laughlin Site9/29/1998
BUF-AR-024BUF AR-024Newspaper - Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Proposed Plan and the Administrative Record File for the Former Bliss and Laughlin Site Released for Formal Comment9/27/1998
BUF-AR-025BUF AR-025Newspaper - Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Proposed Plan and the Administrative Record File for the Former Bliss and Laughlin Site Released for Formal Comment9/27/1998
BUF-AR-001BUF AR-001Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Administrative Record File For Bliss and Laughlin FUSRAP Site, New York9/17/1998
BUF-AR-021BUF AR-021Community Relations Plan, Bliss and Laughlin Site, Buffalo, New York9/1/1998
BUF-AR-016BUF AR-016Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Proposed Plan for the Bliss and Laughlin Site, Buffalo, New York9/1/1998
BUF-AR-029BUF AR-029FUSRAP Fact Sheet Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel September 19989/1/1998
BUF-AR-026BUF AR-026News Report - WNVs Nuclear Legacy8/6/1998
BUF-AR-030BUF AR-030FUSRAP Fact Sheet Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel November 199711/1/1997
BUF-AR-038BUF AR-038Memo - Establishment of Cleanup Levels for CERCLA Sites with Radioactive Contamination8/22/1997
BUF-AR-039BUF AR-039Federal Register Part II Nuclear Regulatory Commission7/21/1997
BUF-AR-045BUF AR-045Letter - Bliss and Laughlin Site - Delaying Removal Action for 19974/29/1996
BUF-AR-046BUF AR-046Letter - Recommendation to Schedule Removal of Residual Radioactive Material at Bliss and Laughlin4/17/1996
BUF-AR-010BUF AR-010Letter - Technical Health Physics Support from Consort Technologies11/3/1995
BUF-AR-008BUF AR-008Work Instruction - Safety and Health Plan for Bliss and Laughlin9/18/1995
BUF-AR-009BUF AR-009Memo - Status of Bliss and Laughlin Steel Characterization and Remedial Action Planning7/26/1995
BUF-AR-047BUF AR-047Letter - Bliss and Laughlin Site Delaying Removal Action6/8/1995
BUF-AR-004BUF AR-004FUSRAP Technical Memorandum5/11/1995
BUF-AR-043BUF AR-043Letter - RE Bliss and Laughlin Site Project Will Not Impact Historical Value2/27/1995
BUF-AR-048BUF AR-048Letter - Former Bliss and Laughlin Site -NHPA Section 106 Determination2/9/1995
BUF-AR-005BUF AR-005Letter - Final Report - Radiological Survey of the Exterior Portions of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility, Buffalo, New York1/26/1995
BUF-AR-027BUF AR-027Letter - Bliss and Laughlin Site Fact Sheet and Press Release for Approval1/12/1995
BUF-AR-006BUF AR-006Letter - Proposed Survey Plan for the Characterization of the Bliss and Laughlin Site8/29/1994
BUF-AR-007BUF AR-007Letter - Proposed Radiological/Characterization Survey Plan of Portions of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility, Buffalo, New York6/30/1994
BUF-AR-040BUF AR-040Memo - Cleanup Guidelines for Soils Contaminated with Radioactive Materials9/14/1993
BUF-AR-050BUF AR-050Letter - FUSRAP - Town of Tonawanda Landfill and Former Bliss and Laughlin Facility Comments on Survey Reports3/22/1993
BUF-AR-044BUF AR-044Letter - Radiological Survey of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility, Buffalo, NY2/25/1993
BUF-AR-033BUF AR-033Letter - Notification of designation of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility for Remedial Action10/19/1992
BUF-AR-034BUF AR-034Memo - Authorization for Remedial Action at the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Site, Buffalo, New York10/8/1992
BUF-AR-035BUF AR-035Memo -  Authorization for Remedial Action at the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Site, Buffalo, New York9/25/1992
BUF-AR-036BUF AR-036FUSRAP Designation Summary for Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company, Buffalo, New York8/4/1992
BUF-AR-037BUF AR-037Radiological Survey of the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Facility, Buffalo, New York6/1/1992
BUF-AR-041BUF AR-041Transportation Impacts of the Commercial Radioactive Waste Management Program4/1/1986
BUF-AR-042BUF AR-042U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Regulatory Guide for  Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors6/1/1974
BUF-AR-049BUF AR-049Project Summary Report - Site Characterization and Remedial Action at the Former Bliss and Laughlin Steel Company Site
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