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CERCLA_Mound_AR_IndexAdministrative Record index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_Buildings_Key_Documents_IndexBuildings Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_General_Site_Key_Documents_IndexGeneral Site Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OffSite_Key_Documents_IndexOff-Site Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU1_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 1 (OU-1) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU2_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 2 (OU-2) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU3_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 3 (OU-3) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU4_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 4 (OU-4) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU5_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 5 (OU-5) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU6_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 6 (OU-6) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU8_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 8 (OU-8) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_OU9_Key_Documents_IndexOperable Unit 9 (OU-9) Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_Parcel3_Key_Documents_IndexParcel 3 Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_Parcel4_Key_Documents_IndexParcel 4 Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_Parcel9_Key_Documents_IndexParcel 9 Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_ParcelD_Key_Documents_IndexParcel D Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_ParcelH_Key_Documents_IndexParcel H Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_Parcel6_Key_Documents_IndexParcels 6, 7 and 8 Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_ParcelI_Key_Documents_IndexPhase I Parcel Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
CERCLA_Mound_PRS_Key_Documents_IndexPotential Release Site Key Documents index for the Mound, OH siteMoundOhio
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MND 1034MND 1034Building 300 and Pump and Treatment System Removal Closeout Report for the Mound, Ohio, Site. October 2024. LMS/MND/4919610/30/2024
CERCLA_Mound_AR_IndexCERCLA_Mound_AR_IndexAdministrative Record index for the Mound, OH site9/5/2024
MND 1032MND 1032Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg, Ohio (LMS/MND/47063)6/12/2024
MND 1031MND 1031Amendment to the Record of Decision for Operable Unit 1 of the Mound Site, Mound, Ohio, Site. September 26, 2023. (LMS/MND/S29546)9/26/2023
MND 1030MND 1030Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg, Ohio. June 2023. LMS/MND/439896/5/2023
MND 1028MND 1028Proposed Plan for Amendment of Operable Unit 1 Record of Decision, Mound, Ohio Site. November 2022. LMS/MND/S2870411/1/2022
MND 1029MND 1029Operable Unit 1/Parcel 9 Focused Feasibility Study, Mound, Ohio, Site. November 2022. LMS/MND/S2658211/1/2022
MND 1026MND 1026Evaluation of the Occurrence of Methane in Operable Unit 1 of the Mound, Ohio, Site. September 2022. LMS/MND/S370269/30/2022
MND 1027MND 1027Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report, Mound, Ohio, Site. Calendar Year 2021. LMS/MND/S409798/31/2022
MND 1025MND 1025Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg, Ohio. June 2022. LMS/MND/S384286/30/2022
MND 1033MND 1033Summary of the 1,4-Dioxane and Perchlorate Records Search (LMS MND S38331) and Addendum to the PFOA Substances Records Search for Indications of Use at the Mound Site (LMS MND S15235)4/7/2022
MND 1023MND 1023Fifth CERCLA Five-Year Review for the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg Ohio (LMS/MND/S31971), September 20219/2/2021
MND 1022MND 1022Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg, Ohio (LMS/MND/S33227), May 20215/1/2021
MND 1024MND 1024Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report Mound, Ohio, Site Calendar Year 2020. April 2021. LMS/MND/S331234/30/2021
MND 1021MND 1021Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report, Mound, Ohio, Site, Calendar Year 2019 (LMS/MND/S29206), October 202010/1/2020
MND 1020MND 1020Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg Ohio, with Addendum (LMS/MND/S29029), October 202010/1/2020
MND 1019MND 1019Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg Ohio (LMS/MND/S29029), June 20206/1/2020
MND 1018MND 1018Operable Unit 1 Field Demonstration Completion Report, Mound, Ohio, Site (LMS/MND/S25064), April 20204/1/2020
MND 1015MND 1015Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) Field Demonstration Year Three Status Report, Mound, Ohio, Site, September 2019.  Includes DOE responses to Ohio EPA comments.9/1/2019
MND 1016MND 1016Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report, Mound, Ohio, Site for Calendar Year 2018, June 20196/1/2019
MND 1013MND 1013Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg Ohio, June 20196/1/2019
MND 1012MND 1012Vapor Intrusion Assessment: Phase I Preliminary Screening and Conceptual Model for the Mound, Ohio, Site, March 20193/1/2019
MND 1011MND 1011Mound Site CORE Team Agreement for Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) Monitoring for Interim Period after Enhanced Attenuation Demonstration, 02/12/2019.  Transmittal letter dated 03/18/2019.2/12/2019
MND 1010MND 1010Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg, Ohio, June 20186/12/2018
MND 1014MND 1014Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report, Mound, Ohio, Site, Calendar Year 2017.  Published May 2018.5/1/2018
MND 1000MND 1000Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at Mound, Ohio, Site Miamisburg, Ohio, June 20176/13/2017
MND 1007MND 1007Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report, Mound, Ohio, Site, Calendar Year 20166/1/2017
MND 1009MND 1009Operable Unit 1 Field Demonstration Year Two Status Report5/1/2017
MND 1017MND 1017A Summary of the Per- or Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances Records Search for Indications of Use the Mound, Ohio, Site, January 20171/1/2017
MND 1008MND 1008Operable Unit 1 Field Demonstration Year One Status Report11/1/2016
0401XXXXXX-16102700020401XXXXXX-1610270002Fourth CERCLA Five-Year Review for the Mound Ohio Site, Miamisburg, Ohio, September 20169/1/2016
1304XXXXXX-16062800011304XXXXXX-1606280001Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site; Miamisburg, Ohio, June 20166/1/2016
MND 1006MND 1006Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report, Mound, Ohio, Site, Calendar Year 20155/1/2016
Revised 1304XXXXXX-15092100011304XXXXXX-1509210001Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg, Ohio6/1/2015
2104XXXXXX-14102400012104XXXXXX-1410240001Field Demonstration Work Plan for Using Edible Oils to Achieve Enhanced Attenuation of cVOCs and a  Groundwater Exit Strategy for the OU-1 Area, Mound, Ohio, July 20147/1/2014
2104XXXXXX-14103100012104XXXXXX-1410310001Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Operable Unit 1 of the Mound, Ohio, Site, July 20147/1/2014
2104XXXXXX-14102400032104XXXXXX-1410240003OU-1 Enhanced Attenuation Field Demonstration Sampling and Analysis Plan, Mound, Ohio, Site, June 20146/1/2014
2104XXXXXX-14102400022104XXXXXX-1410240002OU-1 Enhanced Attenuation Field Demonstration Edible Oil Deployment Design, Mound, Ohio, Site, June 20146/1/2014
Revised 1304XXXXXX-15012900011304XXXXXX-1501290001Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound, Ohio, Site, Miamisburg, Ohio6/1/2014
1304XXXXXX-13062600021304XXXXXX-1306260002Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Institutional Controls at the Mound Site, Miamisburg, Ohio, June 20136/1/2013
780703XXXX-1301240002780703XXXX-1301240002U.S. Department of Energy Amendment Number 24 to the General Purpose Lease, Mound Site Facility, between parties of United States of America and Miamisburg Mound Community Improvement Corporation, December 14, 201212/14/2012
010407XXXX-1210290001010407XXXX-1210290001Parcel 6, 7, and 8 Groundwater Monitoring Report - CY 2011 Final S085629/1/2012
780208XXXX-1210290002780208XXXX-1210290002Phase I Groundwater Monitoring Report - 2011 Final S085579/1/2012
1304XXXXXX-12062700011304XXXXXX-1206270001Annual Assessment of the Effectiveness of Sitewide Institutional Controls Applied to the Former DOE Mound Site Property, Miamisburg OH, June 20126/30/2012
3004XXXXXX-12082300013004XXXXXX-1208230001Mound Operable Unit 1 Additional Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Investigation Work Plan, June 20126/30/2012
0301XXXXXX-12022900010301XXXXXX-1202290001Environmental Covenant, Mound Operable Unit 1 (OU1), Parcel 9, January 24, 20121/31/2012
780703XXXX-1201310001780703XXXX-1201310001Mound Site Community Involvement Plan, January 20121/31/2012
21070101XX-111101000121070101XX-1111010001Operable Unit 1 Rebound Study Work Plan and Groundwater Exit Strategy, Mound, Ohio Site, September 20119/30/2011
0401XXXXXX-11100600010401XXXXXX-1110060001Third CERCLA Five-Year Review for the Mound Ohio Site, Miamisburg, Ohio, September 2011 (LMS/MND/S07963)9/1/2011
Revised 210307XXXX-1108040001210307XXXX-1108040001Parcel 9 Residual Risk Evaluation for the Miamisburg Closure Project, Final, June 20119/1/2011
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